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Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Have you ever asked yourself how come, after you attempted to deep clean a specific surface and failed dramatically, the bathroom cleaning company that you have just hired sorted out the issue in no time? How does that happen? Are they magic? Do they use stuff that is toxic that you cannot buy anywhere? Well, no. The only difference between you and them, is that you went to the local shop and you have asked for a good bathroom cleaning spray that does everything amazingly, and they knew exactly what type of dirt is on the surface and what to use to remove it. It is called experience and knowledge.

Many people use “maintainers” to wash their bathroom and their kitchen floors. Those maintainers are great cleaning products that deodorize and lightly clean the surface but because they are maintainers, they leave a residue on the surface. Over a prolonged period of time, a nice coating will build up over the original floor surface. Every time a floor is washed with a floor maintainer, the maintainer will attempt to fill up scratches and imperfections on the surface. If there are none, the product will just glaze the surface. The issue with this is that dirt and residue will get trapped between the layers of the maintainer coats and over a period of time, the floor colour will disappear and the surface will start looking patchy and discoloured. Attempting to remove the layers of maintainer that have built up over time will prove to be 100% unsuccessful while using floor cleaners but it can be emulsified in a matter of seconds with a floor stripper. So a job that was impossible to do with x product can be sorted out with y product if the person doing it has the right knowledge. 

Shower Glass Residue | This is the most common issue within the bathroom. Daily showers taken by the whole family are likely to splash all over the shower glass. Day by day more residue will build up and it will transform the shower glass from see through into a perfectly glazed surface. Most people will start scrubbing the glass with steel scourers, scrapers, blades, etc, in their attempt to remove all that dirt. No success. The highly recommended universal bathroom cleaner works up to a certain level but the results are less than satisfactory. So what is the solution? 

Well, let’s start by assessing the shower glass and finding out what type of dirt is on it. We wash our bodies and our hair. Our bodies and hair is full of grease and body fats. Those body fats are being removed by the soap or the shampoo as we wash ourselves but the splashes that end up on the shower glass will stick to it. So the residue that makes the shower glass sticky and over glazed, are body fats and soaps. The only thing that removes grease or fats is a degreaser. So the most effective shower glass cleaner is a professional degreaser. Try to use Cleanfast Shift Degreaser or Evans Lift Degreaser. Magic results in a matter of seconds.

  1. Spray the shower glass with a fine mist of degreaser.
  2. Allow it to stay in direct contact for about 2-5 minutes.
  3. Scrub it with a professional green catering scourer.
  4. Rinse it with warm water to remove the waste.
  5. Spectacular results guaranteed every time.

***using a multi use bathroom cleaner would have proven totally inefficient***

Bad Scale Inside The Toilet Bowl | How To Remove It?

New tenants that move into a new property or new property owners that buy a second hand home or landlords that are taking their properties back, are the ones that usually find their toilets covered in limescale, minerals and all kinds of black stuff. Scrubbing the toilet with a good toilet brush is unlikely to work, spraying the toilet with a good toilet descaler might provide some results but not great, replacing the toilet is not an option so what can be done? Well, just like in the first instance, we need to assess the toilet and try to find out what could all that stuff be that is stuck inside the toilet bowl? 

It is limescale. There are different levels of limnescale and not all of it can be removed with a toilet cleaner that says limescale remover. If the toilet is cleaned pretty regularly then you do not need to use the strongest bathroom cleaner. But if the toilet looks very dirty and very black, then the light toilet cleaners and descalers are out of the question. Next step. The heavy duty toilet cleaning gels. Again, these products are slightly active but inside your toilet there are serious mineral deposits that couldn`t be bothered by a slightly acidic toilet cleaner. So these products are very likely to fail. What’s next? Maybe some highly concentrated bleach. The thick bleach used to deep clean toilets doesn`t really have a lot of descaling qualities. It might provisionally bleach or whiten the dirt but it will not remove it. What`s next? Well, if all of the above have failed, then you are left with only one realistic option. Cleanfast Con Clean Acid. This product never fails and the results are usually achieved within 30 seconds to 1 minute. Cleanfast Con Clean is one of the most effective acid cleaners ever. The product can only be used inside the urinal or the toilet bowl or for outdoor patio cleaning projects. No messing with this product. No touching it. No breathing the fumes. It is highly toxic and corrosive.

  1. Flush the toilet to make sure that the toilet walls are evenly wet.
  2. Open the bottle of Con Clean carefully and pour about 100 ML per toilet.
  3. Take a good toilet brush and spread it evenly all over the toilet bowl.
  4. Allow it to react with the limescale and the minerals for about 5 minutes.
  5. Scrub one more time all surface areas to make sure that it is agitated.
  6. Flush the toilet and be ready to be amazed with the spectacular results.
  7. ALWAYS wear hand and eye protection when using this product.
  8. Work in a well ventilated area.

***again knowing what to use and how to use, has saved you time, trouble and money***

Limescale Deposits On Taps And Shower Heads | How To Remove It?

Constant water flow and constant contact with water is likely to leave a residue on all stainless steel, chrome or copper fittings. Even if the clean water looks pure and uncontaminated, the reality is way different. Tap water is full of all kinds of impurities and minerals. Every time the water touches the surface it leaves some residue. Over a prolonged period of time, the minerals will build up, stain the surface and in some cases it can even block the taps and reduce the waterflow on the shower head. There is nothing unusual for that to happen. It can be even worse when the area has hard water issues. Now that the problem was established, how do you get rid of the issue?

The best way of dealing with the issue is to prevent it. By using a quality bathroom cleaner and descaler a few times per month, you could really prevent the limescale from developing in the first place. But now that the problem is already there and has affected the functionality of the taps and shower heads. You cannot use acidic descalers on polished stainless steel or copper without running the risk of burning it or staining the surface. So there must be a better solution for all those issues, right? Yes, there is. 

Faber Taps & Sanitary Fixtures Cleaner. This outstanding product is the enemy of all kinds of limescale deposits from all kinds of material. It can be safely used on highly polished stainless steel taps, copper taps, chrome taps, shower heads and pipes. The product is 100% safe and it won`t stain the surface. Using this amazing product to remove and prevent limescale deposits cannot be easier.

  1. Just pre-spray the affected area generously with the new Faber Taps & Sanitary Fixtures Cleaner.
  2. Allow direct contact for about 2-5 minutes depending on the condition of the surface.
  3. Scrub the whole surface with a bathroom cleaning brush to reach in all narrow spaces.
  4. Rinse of all the waste and assess the condition of the surface. Repeat the operation if needed.
  5. Use the new Faber Taps & Sanitary Fixtures Cleaner to prevent limescale from developing.

***This is a ready to use product that requires no dilution***

Smelly Drainage System | How Do You Deal With It?

Some people have a constant odour in their bathroom without a clear reason. The toilet is spotless and the sinks seem to drain nicely but there is an odour that comes from somewhere. The air fresheners and bathroom deodorisers might reduce its intensity but the problem is still there and a solution is not available without finding the source of the bad odour. In 99% of the cases the odour is coming from the drainage and piping system. In theory, there should be no bad odour coming from the drainage because of the way it is designed, but in reality it sometimes happens. So how do you deal with it?

Start by assessing the back of the toilet. There may be a small leak that is not large enough to show signs of water damage but is large enough to release gases that are coming from the sewage system. Assess the bath or the shower drainage. There could be leaks under the bath covers or under the shower tray. If the issue is in the back of the toilet, then re-sealing the pipe will resolve the issue. If there is an odour coming from the shower drying system, then there are limescale deposits that have affected the flow of the water and there could be smelly bacteria depositing within the drainage system. The piping blockages can also affect the flow of the water so action should be taken urgently. The best products for dealing with this kind of issues are Evans Sink & Drain Cleaner that is a medium strength drain cleaner and drain unblocker or Cleanfast Break Tru Drain Unblocker that is super heavy duty  drainage cleaner and unblockers. Those two products will emulsify all kinds of residue that is blocking the drainage system and will neutralize all kinds of living bacteria. How to use it?

  1. Put the water on to make sure that the drainage is wet all the way down.
  2. Pour about 100 ML of the cleaner through the drainage and wait 1-5 minutes.
  3. Put the water on and rinse of the whole drainage system. 
  4. Add some deodoriser or odour neutralizing agent in the drain.
  5. Repeat the operation once per month for a few months to avoid such issues again.

***The product listed above will remove all kinds of organic materials from the drainage system and it will prevent the odour generating bacteria from developing again***

Walls And Ceilings Mould | How To Deal With It?

If your bathroom has developed black mould spots out of nowhere, then you have an issue. Black mould spots usually develop in areas with high humidity and poor ventilation. The mould can develop nicely in a very short period of time out of nowhere. The black spots all over the bathroom walls and ceilings are visually unpleasant and could also be a health hazard. The mould developing in your bathroom is not the end of the world. It can be easily removed if you know how. So how do you do it?

You need to buy the new Evans Cyclone Spray Bleach and prepare a few microfiber cleaning cloths. 

  1. Spray a fine mist of the amazing Evans Cyclone Spray Bleach all over the affected area.
  2. Scrub it fast with a clean microfiber cloth to remove as much mould as possible in one go.
  3. Spray one more time a fine mist of the product all over the affected area and do nothing.
  4. Do not use the bathroom for 2-3 hours while the bleach spray neutralizes the mould.

***Use eye protection and do not inhale the fumes from the bleach. Spray the surface at an angle to avoid spraying the product into your eyes. Install a better quality ventilation system in your bathroom***

The bathroom cleaning tips listed above can really help you work faster, cheaper and more effectively. The same basic tips can be applied to all kinds of commercial and residential bathroom cleaning projects.

Bathroom Cleaning Tips